by Tom Laidler | Mar 6, 2020 | Events
A very enjoyable evening was had by all on Monday night in Dinnington Social Club where St Matthews Church held their annual beetle drive. Our thanks go to the social committee and especially Aileen, Ruth and Stephen who organised and ran the event. Midway through the...
by Tom Laidler | Mar 1, 2020 | Events
ECUMENICAL LENT LUNCHES 2020 St. Matthews’s Dinnington, The Sacred Heart RC Church, North Gosforth, St. Columba’s Wideopen, St John’s URC Wideopen, St. Cuthbert’s, Brunswick And St. Aidan’s, Brunton Park. Exploring Favourite Hymns The theme this year is exploring...
by Tom Laidler | Feb 19, 2020 | Events
Wednesday 26th Februrary is Ash Wednesday and in addition to the normal service in the morning St Matthew’s will be holding a service of Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes starting at 7.00 pm. All are welcome.Other Ash Wednesday services being held across the...
by Tom Laidler | Feb 16, 2020 | News and Views
We at St Matthew’s would like to say a big thank you to Eddie Dixon of E Dixon and J Thompson, glaziers and builders based in the village and to the staff and lads.On the approach to Christmas Eddie again offered to do work for the church and provided the materials...
by Tom Laidler | Feb 16, 2020 | Events
A date for your diary, St Matthew’s Social Committee are holding a BEETLE DRIVE with a PIE and PEA SUPPER in DINNINGTON SOCIAL CLUB on MONDAY 2nd MARCH 2020. 7.00 for 7.30 pm. TICKETS COST £7 and are available from Aileen on 0772 413...